Product descriptions
Caleido Arabica and Ganoderma coffee, Fair Trade, is a first class organic 100% Arabica instant coffee with 20% Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms and 30% polysaccharide content. It has a superior taste and positive physiological effects on the body.
Scientific research and experiments have confirmed the positive effects of Ganoderma in all its aspects, in particular its blood cleansing properties: it can improve blood circulation and cell quality. It can enable our internal organs to function properly, improve poor physical condition and strengthen the immune system. It has been shown to be effective in treating diseases caused by poor circulation. It can help maintain good health.
In particular, ganoderma may have a dual action, i.e. it can both raise and lower blood pressure. As ganoderma harmonises the body's functions, it enhances its natural self-healing capacity, thus strengthening the immune system.
Interesting facts:
It has been used in medicine for about 4000 years, for example in China it was called the food of emperors and was considered even more valuable than ginseng. It was a rare, hard-to-find herb with outstanding properties, and at that time only royalty had access to it. Today, almost all contemporary descriptions of ganoderma have been supported and verified by modern scientific studies.
This ubiquitous mushroom of the temperate zone is used in China to make medicinal 'mushroom tea'. In the Far East, artificial cultivation of this species, which is still little used in Europe, is also practised for medicinal purposes.
It is worth mentioning that in Japan, one of the active ingredients of polysaccharides is a registered, officially used anti-tumour medicine. As the consumption of ganoderma lucidum powder, e.g. in the form of tea or coffee, contains this active substance, its use may be useful in promoting the healing of cancer patients and improving their quality of life.
It is the so-called "first medicine" and does not cause any side effects, even when taken over a long period of time.
Dosage, recommended use:
One dose = to taste
To taste, put the amount in a cup, add hot water and stir. To taste.
Storage: at room temperature, protected from light and moisture.
Natural 100% Arabica instant (instant soluble) coffee, 20% ganoderma lucidum mushroom extract with 30% polysaccharide content.