Product descriptions
Honeysuckle The flower of the past
For those who live in the past, long lost friends, memories of happy moments, or chase unfulfilled dreams, and don't believe they can still be as happy as they were in the good old days.
Jericho honeysuckle is the cure for pathological nostalgia. It awakens interest in the present and reality, fading the memories that arise. It can help in cases of homesickness, nostalgia and especially sadness (which is basically a sign of not being able to accept a new situation in life because one considers the previous one to be more beautiful). It improves the ability to adapt to new living conditions that seem unfriendly. It reduces the tendency to develop addictions, rooted in denial of reality.
Bach flower essences are made exclusively according to the original instructions and guidelines of Dr. Edward Bach and his associates (Nora Weeks, Victor Bullen).
Many of the plants are also found in the wild in our country (almost all of them in the former Great Hungary!), and we have tried to prepare them in the purest possible environment (national parks, protected areas).
Plants that do not live in the wild in Hungary (sylvanot, olive trees) were sought out in their original habitat and used to prepare the mother plants. The method of preparation (sunbathing or cooking) corresponded in all cases to the original descriptions.
We have given a number of the newly prepared series for testing and comparison to a number of experienced practitioners in the field who have been using Bach therapy and English essences for many years.
The feedback was surprisingly clear and positive: almost everyone considered the home series to be better than the English one. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the artisanal nature of the production (no machines are used in any step of the production of the essences, and the bottles are filled individually by hand, in compliance with food hygiene standards, in a laboratory controlled by the ÁNTSz), on the other hand, we have used, as far as possible, wild plants from the Carpathian Basin, which are obviously more in harmony with the people living here than Western European species.